10 Speechmaking Tasks for the Language Classroom

This book presents a series of 10 speechmaking exercises tailored for students aiming to enhance their oratory skills. Each chapter offers a comprehensive set of resources including thought-provoking questions, warm-up exercises, task outlines, fun quizzes, speech samples, practical templates, and invaluable tips – designed to assist students in creating, rehearsing, and delivering speeches with confidence and flair. Geared towards intermediate-level students and beyond, this book serves as an indispensable tool to help students conquer their fear of public speaking.

This book is divided into 10 distinct parts:

Reading speeches
The Informative Speech
The Persuasive Speech
The Memorised Speech
The Evocative Speech
Pecha Kucha
The Joint Speech
Standard Debate
Cross-examination Debate
Lincoln Douglas Debate

Buying options


Kindle: ¥800
Paperback: ¥1,980

“We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.”

— Winston Churchill