On April 25th, Japan entered lockdown for the third time, which has meant university classes have temporarily gone online. So, this was the perfect opportunity for me to introduce the blue book to a performance class I teach at AGU.

Our ninety-minute session was divided into three sections – part one, plays 1-4, part two, plays 5-8, and part three, plays 9-12 – and in each section the class of 18 students were grouped in breakout rooms and instructed to read and report back on one of the plays. The session went smoothly, and we covered all the material; I was also able to shuffle the groups for each section of the class, so it was a great way for students to get know their classmates better.
One play I especially enjoyed hearing was ‘The Top’, the last play in the 12 Short Plays for the Language Classroom and Beyond! collection. The play explores fashion trends, peer pressure and the distance youngsters go just to fit in. It is also filled with slang words, which students had a great deal of fun using. This five-hander set in a popular clothing store is the perfect play for teenagers and young adults!
I was very happy with the reception of the material. Although we may be under lockdown for another session (or longer), this class is determined to enjoy themselves whether they are in-class or on-line!